Dental Implants

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What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium or zirconium. They can be in screw or root form. Dental implants are surgically placed in the jawbone to replace the lost tooth and imitate tooth roots.

Dental implants provide biological compatibility with the body, thanks to their usage of titanium compounds. Dental implants don’t slip, they cause no bone damage or tooth decay because they are fused to the jaw bone.

With a dental implant, you can get a longer-lasting and healthier result compared to other treatment methods like prostheses, and achieve a more natural appearance.

Quick Summary About the Procedure

Who is the Right Candidate for Dental Implants

Dental implants procedure is one of the best procedures for missing teeth. If you have one or more missing teeth due to periodontal disease, injury, or decay, you might want to consult your dentist about dental implants. Dental implants are generally ideal for patients who suffer from missing teeth but;

  • Have otherwise good oral health: sufficient oral tissue and healthy gums
  • Have enough bone tissue and density in jawbone to support implants or eligible for a bone graft
  • Don’t have any serious health issues that would hinder the healing process
  • Are not heavy smokers, because it can badly affect both surgery and the healing process. If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking 15 days before and after the surgery
  • Have issues with dentures, whether you don’t like them or unable to use them for a reason

Where Can You Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular dental procedures to be made abroad. The main advantage of having this procedure in a country like Turkey is the price. The prices for a dental implant per tooth can change between $1500 to $6000 in countries like the UK, Germany, France and the USA. In Turkey dental implant costs are significantly cheaper than highly-developed countries, and usually covers accommodation, so you can have a sea-side or historical vacation in 5-star hotels along with your dental implants, usually for less money than what you’ll pay for them locally.

The prices are cheap for medical tourists because the exchange rates are very favourable for them.  As countries like Turkey index their prices for their citizens, the prices are far cheaper for people who are from highly-developed countries. In terms of dental implants Turkey has some of the best dental clinics with bleeding-edge technology and highly-skilled dental professionals like dentists and dental surgeons that are experts in latest and greatest techniques. Also, Turkey has some of the most vigorous education for dental professionals in the world. This is why Turkey is considered one of the best destinations for dental and medical tourism.

dental hospital

Step-by-Step Dental Implant Treatment

Having a dental implant treatment is a six-step process. These steps are

  1. Consultation and planning the treatment
  2. Bone grafting if you don’t have enough bone or bone density
  3. Implantation
  4. Osseointegration or healing
  5. Final Restoration
  6. After Care

1. Consultation and Planning the Treatment

Before having a dental implant, you need to have a consulting session with your dentist. He/she will need an X-ray of your mouth for evaluating your teeth before the face-to-face consultation session. After your dentist evaluates the X-ray scans, he/she then invites you over for an examination and consulting session. At the dental clinic, your dentist will examine your teeth and overall oral health to determine if dental implants are a good fit for your specific issues along with the type and number of implants needed. After the examination, your dentist will inform you about the dental implants, how the procedure is done and potential risks of the treatment.

After he/she informs you, you can ask some questions about the procedure and the surgery. At the end of consultation, your dentist will offer some treatment plans to work around your schedule as dental implant operation takes a long time. Also, you should keep in mind that your dentist may need some additional examination along with a CT scan to determine if you need additional operations like bone grafting or sinus lifting for a successful dental implant operation.

consultation with dentist 1

2. Bone Grafting

This process might not be necessary for you if you have enough bone density to support the dental implants. If your jawbone doesn’t have enough structural integrity, your dentist will recommend the bone grafting procedure to be done before or during the dental implant surgery. This operation involves natural or synthetic bone structure to be placed on the affected area to create strong anchor points to support the dental implants. The timing of the bone grafting operation depends on the severity of the issue.

3. Implantation

After the consultation or the bone grafting, you will have your surgery. But before the operation starts, your dentist will check on your dental health once more to ensure a safe operation. After checking, he/she will apply local anesthesia and perform the necessary steps like tooth extraction or bone grafting if you need them.

After these steps, implant surgery then can be performed. The operation will take anywhere from 1 to 6 hours depending on your overall oral health and the number of dental implants that are going to get placed. The operation steps are the same regardless of the number of necessary implants.

  • The gum tissue is opened with small incisions to expose the jawbone
  • After the incisions, your dentist will use a special drill to create the necessary space in the jaw bone to place the implant
  • The implan then placed into the prepared space in the jaw bone
  • After placing the implant, your gums will be stitched over the implant for protecting and quicker healing
  • Finally, Your dentist will place a temporary crown or a retainer to fill the hole and protect the gum and implant from outside effects
  • These steps then will be repeated for any additional implants

4. Healing (Osseointegration)

After the surgery, you will need to wait until the osseointegration process to complete. During this process, your bones and dental implants will connect both functionally and structurally to create a stable implant. This step takes anywhere from a month to six months to be completed and is necessary for creating a strong and healthy implant that will last for many years to come. During the healing period, your dentist may invite you over for checking how the process is going before the final restoration starts.

5. Final Restoration

After the osseointegration process is completed, your dentist will start the process of final restoration. During this phase, your dentist will expose your dental implant for placing in an abutment. Abutment is used for the permanent crown to have a secure connection with the dental implants. After placing the abutment, your dentist will take a mold or scan your mouth depending on the production process that will be used for manufacturing the permanent crowns. The manufacturing process will change depending on some factors. If you are having your crowns made abroad it can take anywhere from a 1 to 4 days. If you are getting them done locally, the process may take much longer, about 4 days to 4 weeks. Also, some dental clinics abroad use CAD/CAM equipment like CEREC and these can produce your dental crowns in a few hours. After the manufacturing, your dental crowns will be attached to the abutment permanently with the help of a special dental cement.

dental implant final restoration

6. After Care

After the final restoration, there may be some bruises and scars with some swelling as the incisions heal. This period is very important for the success of the dental implant operation. You may use saline solution to help with the swelling. After some time passes and your gums are fully healed, you can use your artificial teeth just like you would use your natural teeth. But you should keep in mind that having good oral hygiene habits is the paramount for long-term success of this operation. Also, you should get a dentist appointment every 6 to 12 months for double checking the implants health and stability.

What is Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a method often used to correct problems related to bone loss and gum problems. This process is used to rebuild the jaw structure to support dental implants. For this process, the bone material can be artificial or it can be with a graft taken from a bone. Usually, bone grafts are placed in the sinus region and will increase bone level on the upper jaw.

bone grafting xray

What are the Different Types and Brands of Dental Implants

There are two types of materials that are used for dental implants. These materials have their unique set of features, advantages and disadvantages. But before explaining the materials, you need to know about brands of dental implants. Because choosing the right brand of dental implants is as important as the material choice.

Why Brands Matter

Dental implants are very important for improving the quality of life for the people who have dental issues. Having an implant surgery is a commitment. It is a time consuming, expensive procedure, exhausting both for the body and the mind. A dental implant is a permanent process and you will have your implants for the rest of your life. Because of these reasons you need to pick a known brand of dental implant manufacturer.

Different types of dental implant materials

There are two types of materials, titanium and zirconium. They each have their advantages and disadvantages and use cases. Your dentist should inform you about what kind of dental implants he/she will use for your particular issue before the procedure but knowing about them is important.


Titanium has been used for dental implants since the inception of the operation in the 1960s. It is considered the best material for dental implants by dental professionals. Also, titanium is the first choice for bone and plate implant for both medical and dental issues.  Titanium implants’ features, advantages and disadvantages are;

  • They are used for millions of patients worldwide with very high success rates.
  • It is a two piece design, which makes the titanium optimal choice for creating a more natural smile in patients with bone deficiencies.
  • Tıtanium is biocompatible, which means it can fuse with the jawbone and create a very strong bond
  • It is the most popular type and also it is cheaper than the zirconia
  • As a disadvantage of two-piece design, the titanium implants , in very rare cases, can trap bacteria underneath the abutment and crown, negatively affecting the gum.
  • Titanium is metal colored. If you have thin gums, a little grey can be visible.
  • While extremely rare, some patients reported titanium allergy


Zirconia is one of the newer materials that are being used in dental solutions. It is considered to be the future in dental implant technology. While it is still a developing technology, zirconium implants are gaining popularity in huge numbers. Zirconium implants’ features are;

  • It uses a one piece design and doesn’t trap bacteria.
  • It is white and doesn’t affect the pinkness of the gum like titanium does.
  • Because it is a one piece design, it can be used in one-day treatment
  • Does not cause allergies
  • Since it’s a relatively new technology, it is still expensive
  • It is one piece, so if anything happens to the abutment, or crown in some implants, you have to replace the implant
  • It can’t be used by patients with bruxism as it’s a ceramic type of implant and it can crack.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost

The prices for dental implants can change wildly depending on the type, brand and where you want to get them made. In general, highly-developed countries pay more money for the same or worse care, workmanship and facilities. Here is a reference table with average prices for some countries;

CountryDental Implants Cost Per Tooth

As you can see, the average dental implants cost in UK is one of the highest. For people who are living in countries like the UK or USA where the costs are sky-high, getting dental implants abroad might be the smartest choice. You should also keep in mind that you can only afford a good dentist in Germany, if you pay the median prices, but you can afford the best dentist in Turkey for a fraction of what you are going to pay back home. Also, please keep in mind that the costs are given per tooth. Full mouth dental implants should cost significantly less if you divide them per tooth. For example Full mouth dental implants cost for Turkey is about $10.000.

What to Expect From Consultation Between You and Your Dentist

The consultation is a very important step in dental implant procedure. In this session,

  • you will meet with the dental team that will carry out your operation,
  • meet with your dentist,
  • have your teeth examined by the dentist along with CT scans if deemed needed
  • Have a conversation about your needs and how you want your teeth look like
  • Have a conversation about treatment plans, implant options and some different steps of dental implant operation

After you and your dentist talk, you should ask some questions to your dentist. You should ask questions like;

  • What type of experience do you have?
  • How long does the treatment take?
  • What brands of dental implants do you use?
  • What is the recovery like, what kinds of complications are normal?
  • What are the costs involved with the procedure?

Risks and Complications of Dental Implants

Implants are generally safe and successful operations. They have a near-perfect success rate of 98% and most of the patients swear-by them, saying they changed their lives. But as with any medical or dental operation, they come with risks and complications. These risks and complications are;

Implant Rejection

Implants are the most stable and natural-feeling replacement for the original tooth. Their stability comes from the implant and jawbone’s ability to fuse to each other, creating a forever bond. But sometimes, especially when the sufficient primary stability couldn’t be achieved, your jawbone may reject to fuse to the implant. This is also called an osseointegration failure. Prophylactic antibiotics are used during the operation to reduce the risk of implant rejection.


In some very rare cases, nearby anatomic structures like maxillary sinus, lingual plate or gingiva may be damaged. If any perforation happens to these structures some problems like infections to the affected area can be observed.

Peri-implantitis and other infections

Peri-implantitis and other infections are extremely rare but very important complications of dental implants. Peri-implantitis is a disease that can affect soft and hard tissue around the dental implants. Characterically, peri-implantitis shows itself as inflammation around the artificial teeth and over time, can cause loss of bone structure and failing of the affected implant. While peri-implantitis can only be diagnosed by your dentist, if you suddenly are aware of your implant, the reason might be inflammation and you might want to book a dentist appointment.

Potential infections are not limited to peri-implantitis. As with any surgical procedure, infections can happen, including systemic infections. If you want to reduce the chance of infections, you should quit tobacco products if you are using them and change to a more healthier and active lifestyle and maintain good oral hygiene.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage can be observed after a very small number of dental implant operations. Because the implants are surgically attached to the jaw, some nerves could be damaged in the surgery. This can cause pain, numbing and paresthesia in gums, teeth, lips or chin.

Gum Disease

If you have active gum disease or periodontitis, you are more exposed to the risks and complications of dental implants as periodontitis can accelerate bone deterioration. The bacteria that causes periodontitis eats away bones, teeth roots and gums. This will have a negative impact on the final result of the dental implant operation.

How to Prepare For Dental Implants

The preparation steps for dental implants are really important for the surgery to be effective and long-term. These steps are

  • Avoiding alcohol or tobacco 15 days before the operation
  • Taking a better care of oral hygiene as it will affect the surgery and healing
  • Using the antibiotics that your dentist prescribed and using antibacterial mouthwash
  • Fasting for 12 hours before the surgery
  • Planning and preparing your meals according to the guidelines provided by your dentist
  • Arranging the ride home
  • Clearing a few days of your schedule for relaxing, while the procedure is relatively painless, you’ll want a few days to tend to your wounds

How Long Does Dental Implant Treatment Take

The length of the dental implant treatment depends on some factors like;

  1. Additional Treatments
  2. Your Healing speed and Habits
  3. Techniques Used on Implant Surgery

1. Additional Treatments

Before undergoing a dental implant treatment, your dentist will ask for extensive tests, scans and examination of your teeth. This Is done in order to determine if you need any additional procedures done that would otherwise hinder the success of the dental implant surgery. Operations like sinus lifting can add up 4 to 8 weeks of healing time to the overall operation.

Most of the time, a dental implant is in order following a teeth extraction. But sometimes your dentist will advise you to wait for up to 3 months for the socket to heal, no matter if you need bone grafting or not.

Bone grafting can lengthen the operation for quite a bit. The healing process for bone grafting depends on the severity of the bone deficiency. If you suffer from just a minor deficiency in your jawbone, your grafting can be carried out on the same operation with the dental implant surgery. If you have a particularly unlucky case of bone deficiency, you might need a separate bone grafting session. If you have a separate bone grafting operation, your bones might need to heal for 4 to 6 months. This means that a dental implant operation might take anywhere from 3 to 12 months depending on additional treatments.

2. Your Healing Speed and Habits

If everything goes smoothly and your dentist determines that you don’t need any of the aforementioned treatments, your dental implants will take somewhere between 1 to 6 months from start to finish. The main factor of this wild swing in healing duration is your healing speed and habits.

Habits like smoking, eating or drinking excessively hot or cold foods and drinks or eating hard foods may slow down or even fail the osseointegration process. For a quicker healing process, you should switch to a more healthy lifestyle and avoid these habits and replace them with good ones like good oral hygiene habits.

3. Techniques Used on Implant surgery

The normal procedure for dental implant surgery needs you to make several visits to your dental clinic, some of which are surgical. This is especially hard for the patients who live in a different country with their dentist. Also, your bones and gums need time to heal in between the operations.

With a technique called “same day implants” you can significantly reduce both the time needed and number of appointments to your dentist. If you have enough bone density to support the implants, your dentist may prefer to apply the implant teeth the same day with your teeth extraction. This process has some big advantages but it is up to your dentist to decide if you can have an immediate implant.

Downtime and Recovery

The downtime and recovery after dental implant surgery will change drastically depending on the patient’s lifestyle, diet and tolerances. For example, excessive smoking and alcohol consumption may affect or impair the healing process. After the surgery, you should maintain your oral hygiene through regular brushing and antibiotic mouthwashes to ensure no plaque or bacteria builds up around the gums. Also you should avoid foods and drinks like crisps, apples, ice cubes, chewy foods like steaks, sticky taffies, jellies, caramel and gum, carrots, toasted bread and drinks that have high sugar amounts and that are carbonated. Also, you should avoid too hot or too cold drinks as it can cause sensitivity. Heavy smokers should avoid smoking all together if possible, if not, they shouldn’t smoke for at least two weeks before and after the surgery to ensure a quick and efficient healing.

Side Effects of Dental Implant Treatment

Dental implant treatments are safe, effective and have minimal risks with 98% of success rate. Like any other dental or medical operation, it has some side effects. Luckily the side effects of dental implants are temporary and easily curable. The most common side effects of implants are;

  • Discomfort
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

These should pass on their own. Also, your dentist will give you some advice on aftercare. If you act with your dentist’s recommendations in mind, you won’t need to worry about any serious side effects and complications.


Nowadays, medical tourism is getting more popular. Countries like Turkey encourage their medical and dental professionals to work with tourists as much as possible. This resulted in more than a million people choosing Turkey for remedying their medical and dental issues. There’s a good reason why Turkey is so popular with people who are living in highly-developed countries like France, UK, Germany and USA. For example Turkey often offers better medical and dental service than these countries for a much cheaper price. So, how can Turkey offer world-class medical services for so cheap? Actually, they don’t. The prices are normal for the residents, as they are the ones who need and use them so the prices are indexed towards them. You can get high-quality services in state-of-the-art dental and medical facilities for cheap because of the exchange rates. If you want affordable dental implants with best dental implant reviews, you might want to consider visiting Turkey.

Alternative Treatments

All-On-4 Dental Implants

  • It is a technique where fixed dental prosthesis can be applied to completely edentulous patients with a single surgical procedure on the same day.
  • It does not involve any further surgical procedures such as sinus lift surgery, bone addition.
  • It is planned according to the person.
  • Cleaning and maintenance is easier than conventional dental implant fixed dental prostheses.

All-On-6 Dental Implants

  • All-On-6 dental implants offer a fixed and permanent method to rebuild a complete set of teeth.
  • All-On- 6 implants typically do not require bone grafts, so they are the perfect solution for patients with low bone density or volume in their jaws.
  • The entire procedure can be completed in just one day and is usually completed in 2-4 hours.
  • Though the all-on-6 procedure does not usually require bone grafting, it may be necessary depending on the person’s bone density.

Dental Bridges

  • Dental bridges are crowns that are used for covering two or more teeth
  • They can be suspended from a dental implant
  • They are a good way of restoring teeth deficiencies quickly and efficiently


The cheapest country for dental implants is India. You can get a dental implant for an average $420 per tooth.

According to those who have them, yes. Dental implants are the closest you can get to a natural tooth if you suffer from a tooth loss and most of the patients swear-by it.

After your dentist examines your situation and determines that dental implants are the best solution, you will go through a procedure called bone grafting to give the jawbone some mass.

It depends. If you are living in a highly-developed country, getting dental procedures done in developing countries is almost always cheaper

Yes, in fact they are very good. They cut the healing time in half and you only get one surgical visit to the dentist’s office.